Wednesday, September 03, 2008

SEO tricks blogspot swapping blogger title

Swapping blogger title will help your blog to be crawled.

  1. Find <title><data:blog.title/></title> on the <Head> Section

  2. Replace the line with

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <title><data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/></title>

  3. It's done, your template are ready . . .

Thanks to jack

Do backup first . .

Do you need some free template for blogspot?


  1. As with most optimization techniques, keep in mind that it takes time to see results. If you start posting a lot of comments then your rankings may improve eventually, but in most cases it takes a couple of weeks. With Yahoo and MSN you have to keep the comment posting activity going as well. If you do not keep on posting comments, those posts will get old and stale and the links will not help as much compared to links from fresher posts.

  2. Blogging has come to the point where my mother actually heard of it. That means that it is not only popular but becoming somewhat mainstream. As a result, people are really starting to voice their opinions by blogging and commenting on blogs. Voicing opinion is one thing, but when it comes to commenting there is a very useful side effect. Commenting can help increase your website's rankings on certain search engines.

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  5. wow., i have a new blog and id love to try this one out.

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  9. you given just title tag hack there are more tricks for do seo for blog

  10. An excellent informative post...thanks for sharing your nice SEO tips and techniques for website promotion.

  11. So I can put all the meta tags for all of my pages? Is it a must to use meta tags on all pages in blogger?

  12. It is a pleasure going through your post. It made me learn a lot of different ideas.


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